Gemius and PBI will cooperate in a single-source research
The new research is going to be based on standards developed during previous cooperation between Gemius and PBI as well as an innovative single-source cross-media research including TV and radio passive measurement. Thanks to the personal meter (smartphone with the measurement software) the research will provide data on TV and radio consumption both at home and out-of-home.
All cross-media data (TV, radio, and internet) including mobile applications and video stream materials will be available in the new and intuitive online interface and via dedicated API. It will enable the users to see the results for a particular media platform as well as to conduct a comprehensive analysis i.e. a co-viewing/audience duplication.
- New research is based on mutual abilities of PBI and Gemius and is an answer to the growing market demands of media and marketers. Thanks to it, all players will be given a chance to conduct their plans more effectively. This is one of the first of this kind of project in Europe – commented Pawel Laskowski CEO of PBI.
- It is our mission that the project realised by Gemius, contributes to significant development of media research, on which new standards many media bodies are currently working now: Media Owners Committee, media agencies, media owners and as well as The National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT) with Telemetria Polska project. KRRIT officially announced implementation of a research panel of 2000 households already this year. Gemius is ready in terms of technological and organizational aspects to take part in this project as long as our partners are ready to take into consideration our know-how and experience in the measurement of media consumption. – said Marcin Pery, CEO of Gemius S.A.
The parties anticipate that the new study will be available no later than July 2020.