Changes in OOH measurement implemented in Gemius and Nielsen survey
The most important modifications implemented in the Gemius study concern a change in the definition of the panelist's home point and a clarification of the way TV viewing is measured outside the home. According to the new measurement method, a panelist's home was considered to be the address of the household to which he or she belongs. The new definition is consistent with that of the CSO. The same definition is also used by Nielsen in its survey, resulting in increased consistency between the two measurements. In addition, it has been assumed that a panelist is outside the home when he or she moves more than 40 meters away from it. Until now, this distance was defined more conservatively and was 100m.
The changes introduced will make the determination of TV viewing outside the home more realistic and avoid underestimating it, and the measurement of OOH audiences carried out according to the new assumptions will translate into an increase in its share of the total TV audience.
When we were the first in Poland to start surveying TV viewing outside the home, we approached the task with great respect and caution. We were concerned not to overestimate the scale of the phenomenon and distort the result. - comments Emil Pawlowski, Chief product officer at Gemius. - Today, thanks to the CESP audit, we already know that the criteria we use can be less restrictive. I am glad that we have developed a methodology thanks to which the presented results will even more accurately describe the media reality in Poland.
MOC TV has warmly welcomed the changes made by Gemius to the OOH survey, which is conducted in accordance with global standards. It proved crucial to improve the definition of when the respondent is out of home from 100m to 40m, as well as the place of residence. This results in a more realistic measurement and a significant increase in the level of out-of-home viewing. - Przemysław Broniszewski, member of MOC TV's management board, says.
Methodological changes in OOH measurement have been implemented in Gemius research and in official TV viewing data provided by Nielsen since March 1, 2024.