Summary of the TV Out-Of-Home audit results
Nielsen and Gemius expanded the TV audience measurement though the out of home TV viewing last year. To do so, Gemius offered its solution based on panelists using smartphones equipped with Gemius proprietary meter. This innovative approach enables to catch the out of home TV viewing. Then, Nielsen is merging this out of TV viewing with at home TV viewing collected through its own at home TV audience measurement system.
MOC TV required CESP, international media measurement auditor, to evaluate this new measurement solution last year.
This audit is divided in 2 parts: data collection conducted by Gemius and data fusion deployed by Nielsen. Finally, Gemius funded the audit of the out of home TV audience collection conducted in quarter 1 2022. On September 22nd 2022, Olivier Daufresne, Associate Director of CESP, Emil Pawłowski, Chief Product Officer of Gemius S.A. and Przemysław Demianowski, Head of Panel Management of Gemius Polska jointly shared the conclusions of this audit and Gemius action plan.
As brief summary, CESP considers as satisfactory in particular:
- Gemius innovative proprietary meter technology embedded in a smartphone to collect out of home TV viewing
- The deployed technology enabling a precise location of the panelists equipped with Gemius smartphone either at home or out of home avoiding a double counting of TV viewing
- Well designed methodology of panelist Home / OOH location classification which avoids overestimation of out of home TV viewing
- The achievement during the audited period of all the KPIs defined by Nielsen for the fusion process: number of panelists available to conduct the fusion, stability of this number, absence of panelists localized at home and out of home at the same moment
- Well defined process of panel recruitment based on balanced structure of recruitment methods with good conversion rates and recruitment control
- Experienced team of experts dedicated to panel management process supported by clear and complete assumptions and satisfactory of the panelist introduction to the panel
- Continuous improvements of the panel management methods to increase panel performance
Moreover, CESP auditors pointed out areas of improvement on some methodological aspects and recommended investigations to further improve the representativeness of the panel:
- Sharing with Nielsen the TV equipment of Gemius panelists to exclude the panelists without TV set at home from the fusion process. Gemius has started the process of needed information update with intention to complete and deploy updated data to Nielsen by the end of 2022.
- Using statistics perfectly aligned with Gemius universe i.e., Polish population 7 to 75 having a mobile phone as Gemius recruits only individuals already equipped with a SIM card. Gemus will follow CESP recommendation continuing investigation of assumption „SIM card owner” influence to the study results in context of Population Coverage Error analysis.
- As the distribution of the smartphone used by the panelists before joining the panel is not aligned with the brand market shares in Poland, conducting a statistical analysis to define if the type of mobile phone used by the panelist before joining the panel impacts significatively the out of home TV viewing. Gemius will run the analysis of the correlation of TV consumption and phone brand.
- Collecting out of home TV viewing for only 1 member of the household to avoid clustering effect. According to the difficulty to recruit only one child or senior in a household, CESP offers the opportunity to recruit in the same household, 1 additional member belonging to these age breaks. Gemius since September 2022 has modified recruitment process to follow CESP recommendation: Maximum number of recruited panelist in one household is two: one adult + one child (7-17) or senior (65-75).
- Regularly monitoring the proper participation of the panelists and location of the meter to allow an optimal collection of the TV sound mandatory for a reliable TV measurement. Gemius will experiment with interviewing panelist during any verification procedure and ask about is panelist currently watching TV and afterwards comparing answer with measured information.
- Conducting an update of the demographic characteristics of all panelists at least one time a year. Gemius has developed the internal panel management procedures to conduct the full updated minimum twice per year and currently is working on development of tools which allows for those procedure automation and less burden of the panalist.
In addition, CESP suggested adjustments to further improve the panel management and the audience collection.
Olivier Daufresne concluded this audit saying:
“Thank you for the cooperation of Gemius all along this audit and the involvement of the Polish media industry in this process. Gemius solution is innovative to demonstrate the impact of TV programs out of home. I believe this personal measurement covering all the locations of TV viewing will expand across the world to highlight one of the strengths of TV media. CESP shares actionable recommendations that Gemius can implement for sure with the media industry.”
Emil Pawłowski underline the advantage audit brings to Gemius:
“Thanks to CESP experience and international standards knowledge we have got a lot of positive inspiration how to continue the development of our innovative single source approach of media measurement. We are more than satisfied for the cooperation with CESP experts and their positive feedback about our efforts for development new innovative solution for cross media measurement.”
Przemyslaw Broniszewski summarized the most important facts:
“We are very pleased with the deep knowledge that we have received following the audit. That was the first audit of Gemius panel and the first that MOC TV has joined. Recommendations and conclusions are really helpful and vital both for Gemius and television broadcasters. That will be a fundamental base to develop and expand OOH data panel and to plan Gemius and MOC TV activities for the next year.”
Contact to get access to the report: Emil Pawłowski, Chief Product Officer, Gemius S.A.
About Gemius
Gemius is an international research and technology company providing data about online, TV and radio audience measurement, as well as advanced tools for digital and traditional marketing activities such as web analytics, online campaigns’ management and ad serving. The company offers comprehensive solutions for marketers, advertising agencies, publishers and e-commerce. Gemius is present on the market since 1999. The company is a member of IAB Europe and I-COM Global. The research conducted by the company are carried out in accordance with the principles of the international ICC/ESOMAR code.
About MOC TV
MOC TV, or Media Owners Committee of TV broadcasters, is a voluntary organisation of employers, independent of public authorities and political, social and professional organisations. MOC TV’s goal is to represent the common interests of the Association’s members in the field of media consumption research – in particular for television and online video media – along with the development and implementation of a media consumption research financing model. In addition, the Association aims to support, promote and popularise television media.
About CESP
CESP is a non-profit organization created in 1957, regrouping the different stakeholders of the French media industry: media owners and their sales houses as well as media agencies and advertisers. CESP conducts two main types of missions: audits in France (for all media currency studies) and abroad, and consultancy missions locally and internationally. Eighteen permanent staff work at CESP and are supported by a high-profile Scientific Committee of 16 professionals from the academic and media industry fields, involved in all audits carried out by CESP.