Cinemas and ticket services websites are growing in popularity
Media consumption

Great cinema on demand

The position of VOD and OTT platforms is well established on the market today. The film industry is increasingly boldly using the Internet for its purposes, films are being created for exclusive online distribution, and films produced by Netflix or Amazon Prime compete without any complex with films from traditional studios. The world of cinema experienced its holiday this week - on the night of March 10-11, the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the popular Oscars, were awarded for the 96th time. In this context, we decided to take a look at streaming services operating in Poland. How popular are they and who are their vis

The analysis of data from the Mediapanel survey covers websites and applications from the "VOD and OTT services" category in February 2024. Particular attention was paid to the profile of people visiting them. When analyzing VOD and OTT data, remember that the given number of real users means the number of people visiting a given website or application, not the number of active users of platforms/services or accounts registered on them.

More than half of Internet users use VOD

According to the data, approximately 18.2 million people in Poland use streaming services and applications, i.e. over 60% of Internet users and 55.6% of media users in general. In February 2024, NETFLIX (service and application) enjoyed the largest share of time for the entire category, visited by 10.7 million people. Share of Time in the category amounted to over 50% - significantly more than in the case of other brands on the list. Second place went to TVP's VOD and OTT applications and services (SoT in the category at 7.6%), and third to DISNEY+ (6.9%), which, however, recorded a larger number of real users than TVP.

VOD mediapanel

Most users are females

In February 2024, more women than men used VOD and OTT services. They accounted for 54% of all Internet users visiting websites and applications in this category. The greater involvement of Internet users on the websites in question is also evidenced by higher Affinity Index (103.7) and ATS (Average Time Spent, amounting to 7h 4m and 7s per month). In the case of men, we are dealing with an AI level of 96, which means underrepresentation, and a shorter average time spent browsing VOD and OTT websites and applications (5h 11m and 10s). Every day, streaming services are visited by an average of 2 million women and 1.5 million men.

VOD mediapanel

Thirty-year-olds and rural residents

The largest group of VOD and OTT users in terms of their place of residence are rural residents (37%), but this level results from the distribution of this demographic feature in the structure of the entire Internet user population. What is noteworthy is the overrepresentation of people living in the largest cities (500,000+). Even though they constitute only 12.2% of all users of this category, they are overrepresented, as expressed by the Affinity Index of 103.2.

The largest age group in this category is people between 30 and 39 years of age. They are responsible for 19.8% of visitors to VOD and OTT websites and applications, and the AI indicator in their case indicates an overrepresentation about the population (108.1).

VOD mediapanel

Medium for students

Pupils and students, among all professional groups represented in the study, constitute the highest percentage of VOD and OTT recipients, amounting to 19.3%. In their case, the Affinity Index reaches 106, indicating overrepresentation about the population. The second largest group in this category of websites and applications is retirees - their share is 13.7%. In their case, however, I can speak of underrepresentation because the AI index does not reach 100.

VOD mediapanel