#gemiusAdReal TOP 10 advertisers in Germany in May
Read #gemiusAdReal Germany case study: Top Advertisers in May
In May’s ranking of Advertisers by Reach in Germany, leader position was occupied by o2 with 51,3 mln Real Users (Reach = 86,3%) and in April it was Lidl with similiar share. On 2nd place is located the same as in fourth month auction house and marketplace eBay (RU = 50,7 mln, Reach = 85,3%) and on 3rd position – online shop OTTO (RU = 49,6 mln, Reach = 83,4%).
In terms of industries from which the most of brands presented in Top 10 ranking, again similiar to April results based on gemius AdReal data, a lot of Brands from Trade industry – four of them are Supermarkets and stores - (Lidl, Rewe, OBI, Ikea). Usual representation of telecom segment. Also job platform – Stepstone.de and fast food giant – Mcdonald’s. Regular top-brand with the highest number of Ad contacts (2,9 billion) and frequency (56.39) - eBay. Next to it, OTTO and Ikea with a quite significant gap between each other and of course eBay. The longest ad contact time was recorded for Lidl (18.63 sec). On the 2nd place telecommunication Brand - o2 (15.76 sec) and on the 3rd - OBI (14.88 sec).
But in Top 10 ranking of Advertisers with Video-ads only, it is visible changes in Brand list that also includes RTL+, CandA and Milka. Reach-champion for Video-ads is the same as for All Ad types – o2 with coverage of 78.94% audience.
Source: gemiusAdReal, May 2023, Top 10 brands, All media types, Ad type: Video
It is interesting comparison among basic metrics for Ikea Group versus OBI Group that showed almost the same Real Users/Reach coverage for these two Brands. However, Ikea had 10% more Ad contacts, FRQ and GRP, but 22% less of Ad contact time.
Source: gemiusAdReal, Ikea Group vs OBI Group, May 2023, TG:ALL, Media Type: ALL, Ad Type: VIDEO only
About gemiusAdReal
gemiusAdReal is a market intelligence tool revealing all brands’ activities, both in the digital and cross-media world. The study allows for in-depth insight of competitors media activity across all three platforms: TV, PC and mobile including not only top application: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok but also web browsers: Chrome, Firefox and others. The comprehensive knowledge about the advertising market provided by gemiusAdReal, helps all media-players such as brand owners, media agencies and publishers in better planning their marketing strategies and media-mix optimizing.
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