#gemiusAdReal Germany case study: Top 10 Brand Owners
According to the gemiusAdReal data for March week 20/03-26/03, the top 10 advertisers in Germany were ranked based on Reach, but also included general overview of such metrics as Real users, Ad Contacts, Ad contacts time and Frequency.
Amazon Group secured the 1st position on the podium by reaching 46 million real users with its advertising messages. The 2nd and 3rd positions were claimed by Ebay Inc. from the Trade industry, with a number of 44 million real users and reach of 74.2% and Schwarz with a number of 44 million real users and a reach of 69.51%. L’Oreal Group was 4th in the ranking with 67.81%, Procter and Gamble CO on 5th with 67.5%, Ferrero on 7th - 63.73%. In March week 2023, two brands related to telecommunication, Vodofone GmbH and Telefonica Germany, were among the most popular advertisers in Germany and placed on 8 and 9 position. And Aldi closed the top-10. What also can be seen in this week of March is that Procter and Gamble Co collected a big number of ad contacts - over a bilion. One brand dominated the ad contacts with over a billion contacts, which was Amazon. However, Procter and Gamble Co had the highest frequency value, which was 28.54. The longest ad contact time was recorded for Ferrero S.p.A, which was 18.52 seconds.
When it comes to the ranking of Brand Owners by Reach with Video-ads, the top company on the German market in March week is Procter and Gamble Co. Advertiser with the second highest score in the ranking was L'Oreal Group. On the third place is Amazon group, which was number one in the all Ad types by Reach and Adcontacts.
Source: gemiusAdReal, March 20-26, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Top 10 Brand Owners, Reach, Ad type: Video
In March 2023 Ebay Inc. had 3% more Ad contacts than Amazon Group. One big visible diffrence between these two companies can be seen in the ad contact time where average ad contact for Amazon Group was 39 percent longer than eBay Inc. One last interesting contrast was in the reach where Amazon had 5% more of reach than Ebay Inc.
Source: gemiusAdReal, Amazon Group vs Ebay Inc., March 20-26, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Ad Type: VIDEO only
About gemiusAdReal
gemiusAdReal is a market intelligence tool revealing all brands’ activities, both in the digital and cross-media world. The study allows for in-depth insight of competitors media activity across all three platforms: TV, PC and mobile including not only top application: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok but also web browsers: Chrome, Firefox and others. The comprehensive knowledge about the advertising market provided by gemiusAdReal, helps all media-players such as brand owners, media agencies and publishers in better planning their marketing strategies and media-mix optimizing.
You can learn more about Adreal here.