Gemius E-commerce study in Baltics: Online shopping is the most popular in Lithuania
Gemius E-commerce study in Estonia
Gemius E-Commerce study in Lithuania
Gemius E-Commerce study in Latvia
Online shopping are popular in the Baltics
In this year's Gemius e-commerce study, conducted by surveying internet users in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, it has been found that among the three Baltic countries, respondents from Lithuania have made online purchases most frequently – it was indicated by 90% of surveyed internet users who answered a question about shopping online in the last year. Meanwhile, in both Latvia and Estonia, 82% of the survey participants have stated that they have made online purchases in the last six months. However, compared to the other two countries, respondents from Latvia most commonly indicate that they have not made purchases yet but plan to do so in the future. This response option was chosen by 12% of Latvians, while in Estonia, it was 10% of the surveyed individuals, and only 6% in Lithuania. A categorical "no" to online purchases was expressed by 8% of respondents in Estonia, 6% in Latvia, and 4% of participants in the study of Lithuania's e-commerce market.
Computers are still the most popular device
The most popular device used by the surveyed participants for online shopping is a computer. It is most commonly used by respondents in Estonia, with 95% indicating so, followed by 91% in Latvia, and 86% in Lithuania. Lithuanians more frequently use mobile phones for shopping compared to Latvians and Estonians. Among the respondents in Lithuania, 73% make purchases from their mobile phones, while in Latvia, it's 68% , and in Estonia, it's 62%. Additionally, 9% of respondents in Latvia use tablets for shopping, while in Estonia, it's 8%, and in Lithuania, it's only 6%. In terms of using Smart TV capabilities for online shopping, 3% of surveyed participants in Lithuania do so, while it's only 1% in both Latvia and Estonia.
About Gemius E-commerce study in Baltics
The Gemius E-commerce study in Baltics was conducted using the gemiusAdHoc online survey. The study is based on data obtained through a pop-up internet questionnaire shown to randomly selected internet users on the most popular portals in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. In Latvia, the study surveyed 2,038 respondents aged 18 to 74, while in Lithuania, 2,556 respondents aged 15 to 74 were surveyed. In Estonia, the study involved 1,433 internet users aged 18 to 74. gemiusAdHoc conducts studies for individual business needs with the ability to determine public opinion on any topic, question, or industry.
To learn more about the research conducted in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania, please contact Gemius Latvia at