Gemius Baltic: December summary #gemiusAudience
Media consumption

Gemius Baltic: December summary #gemiusAudience

Which websites were the most poular in Lithuania in December 2022? Read our analysis based on #gemiusAudience data.

Check the November 2022 summary for Gemius Baltic here.

Average daily Real Users

The news website topped the list of audited websites in terms of the average number of daily real users, with an average of 615,000 (+0.08%) Lithuanian internet users visiting the website every day in December. The second place was taken by, which was visited by 495 thousand (+4.26%) of internet users on average every day last month. The third place was taken by, with 423 thousand (+2.04%) of daily real users on average. As every year during December holiday season, internet users have been searching for recipes for the Christmas Eve meals. This has led to the growth of the recipe website The website attracted over 748,000 real users (+17.39%) and page views increased by +52.96%.

According to this metric, in December, the highest growths were seen on (+59.20%), (+33.10%) and (+14.59%).

Average Time Spent (ATS)

In December, according to the average time spent indicator, internet users spent the most time on the news website - 2 h 42 min (+3,21%), transport sales website - 1 h 53 min (-2,99%), news website - 1 h 53 min (-7,48%). Last month, the average time spent per user for browsing on all devices on the audited websites was 8 h 16 min, i.e. +1.96% more than in November. In December, those browsing on a computer spent on average 5 h 4 min (+4.06%), while mobile users spent 6 h 11 min (+0.29%) on it.

Real Users

Last month, in the TOP25 list of audited websites, grew the most in terms of real users on all platforms: +40.56% on the “Total” platform, +21.66% on “PC” platform, +44.52% on mobile devices. In December 2022, 1 million 805 thousand Lithuanian internet users (+0.38%) browsed the total platform of the audited websites. More than 1 million 186 thousand (+0.20%) of Lithuanian internet users browsed on computers and 1 million 443 thousand (+0.81%) on mobile devices. In the analyzed period, LRT ( website remained in the second place in the TOP 5 list of audited websites: +3.65% - on the “Total” platform, +2.02% - on the “PC” platform, +4.88% - on mobile devices.

Page Views

Last month, (+52.96%) recorded one of the highest growths in the TOP25 list of audited websites in terms of page views on all platforms (Total). In December, the page views number of audited websites on all platforms (Total) was +0.68% higher than in November - 997 million. The number of page views generated by computers was 226 million (+0.57%). Meanwhile, page views generated on mobile devices were 771 million (+0.71%), more than in November.

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