Expert opinion: gemiusAdMonitor report in Turkey
Brand exposure

Expert opinion: gemiusAdMonitor report in Turkey

─ Turkish agencies are very aware of who and how they should target if they would like to reach high CTR numbers – says Idil Kesten, country manager in Gemius Turkey.

─ Still, CTR is considered to be one of the most important success indicators when it comes to digital campaigns. While reviewing an agencies’s success, brands are checking CTR averages. Therefore, agencies mostly make performance-based campaigns through well-targeted socio-demographic groups and adnetworks. They keep an eye on the outcomes through gemiusDirectEffect at all times. In addition, they do not only stick to regular banners but they intent to use different type of ad formats such as interstitial, sticky or prestitial. Gemius gemiusDirectEffect teams add to the success by providing agencies with advanced reports on duplication, url and inscreen, and helping them build useful strategies – ads Kesten.

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