E-commerce study 2022: shopping motivation, purchases and spending in Baltics
Gemius has conducted a study on the shopping habits of Internet users in all three Baltic countries. Respondents in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia are often motivated to shop online by the opportunity to buy goods that are not available in their place of living. While Latvians and Estonians on domestic e-commerce sites often buy insurance, Lithuanians prefer books and movies. At least half of respondents in Latvia and Estonia believe that their spending online will increase this year.
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Gemius is an international research and technology company providing data, as well as advanced tools for digital and traditional marketing activities such as web analytics, online campaigns’ management and ad serving. The company offers comprehensive solutions for marketers, advertising agencies, publishers and e-commerce. Gemius is present on the market since 1999. The company is a member of IAB Europe and I-COM Global. The research conducted by the company are carried out in accordance with the principles of the international ICC/ESOMAR code.