#gemiusAdReal TOP 10 advertisers in Germany in June
Brand exposure

#gemiusAdReal TOP 10 advertisers in Germany in June

Which brands were the most popular on the German market in June 2023? See Gemius analysis based on data from the gemiusAdReal study.

Read #gemiusAdReal Germany case study: Top Advertisers in May

In June top-10 ranked by Reach in Germany, leader position changed in comparison to May and is occupied by Amazon with 51,9 mln Real Users (Reach = 87,3%). On 2nd place is located o2 which was on top previous month, but the difference with Amazon is not significant – 51,8 mln Real Users (Reach = 87,1%). 3rd position is the same as in fifth month – online shop OTTO (RU = 50,3 mln, Reach = 84,7%). And closing top-5 is marketplace eBay (RU = 49,6 mln, Reach = 83,5%).

In terms of industries from which the most of brands presented in Top 10 ranking, it became quite regular trend for last months that a lot of Brands from Trade industry. Usual representation of telecom segment. Also Booking.com appeared, the most probably because it is summer time. New top-brand with the highest number of Ad contacts (3,3 billion) and frequency (62.66) – Amazon that pushed on second place eBay in June. Next to it Ikea with a quite significant gap between 2 first champions. The longest ad contact time was recorded for Amazon Prime (23.65 sec). On the 2nd place Lidl with 19.72 sec and on the 3rd – Booking.com - 19.01 sec.

In Top 10 ranking of Advertisers with Video-ads only, it is visible changes in Brand list that also includes Garnier, Milka, Pixel and Dr.Oetker. Reach-champion for Video-ads is not the same as for All Ad types and it is Telekom with coverage of 79.59% audience.

Source: gemiusAdReal, June 2023, Top 10 brands, All media types, Ad type: Video

It is interesting comparison among basic metrics for Amazon versus eBay that showed almost the same Real Users/Reach coverage for these two Brands – 5% difference. However, Amazon had +21% more Ad contacts, +15% FRQ and +21% GRP. And also -4% less of Ad contact time and 0% difference for eQ ad contacts.

Source: gemiusAdReal, Amazonvs eBay, June 2023, TG:ALL, Media Type: ALL, Ad Type: ALL

About gemiusAdReal

gemiusAdReal is a market intelligence tool revealing all brands’ activities, both in the digital and cross-media world. The study allows for in-depth insight of competitors media activity across all three platforms: TV, PC and mobile including not only top application: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok but also web browsers: Chrome, Firefox and others. The comprehensive knowledge about the advertising market provided by gemiusAdReal, helps all media-players such as brand owners, media agencies and publishers in better planning their marketing strategies and media-mix optimizing.

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