#gemiusAdReal TOP 10 advertisers in Germany in February
In February 2023 Top 10 Advertisers in Germany ranking, the 1st brand on the podium is Amazon. It reached almost 55 million Real Users with its advertising message. 2nd place was taken by Lidl - Brand from Trade industry (RU = 52,7 mln, Reach = 88,3%) and 3rd place - by o2 (RU = 52,5 mln, Reach = 87,9%). These are all well-known players in February ranking.
The Top 10 ranking in February 2023 based on gemius AdReal data includes as many as seven Brands from Trade industry – four of them are Supermarkets and stores - (Lidl, Rewe, Kaufland, Ikea) and one is Electronics (Samsung). As always there is lider in Ad contacts, an online shopping platform - Amazon (frequency = 56.83). The longest ad contact time was recorded for Samsung (23.06 sec). Among the most popular advertisers of February 2023 in Germany one Brand related to telecommunication can be found - Telekom.
However, Top 10 ranking of Advertisers with Video-ads only includes also RTL, TaxFix, Kinder, Airbnb and McDonald’s.
Source: gemiusAdReal, February 2023, Top 10 brands, Ad type: Video
In February 2023 Lidl had 30% more Ad contacts than Ikea, however the brand reached only 4% more audience with Video ads. One big visible diffrence was seen in the Ad contact time: for Lidl it was 17.26s and for Ikea only 9.62s.
Source: gemiusAdReal, LIDL vs IKEA, February 2023, TG:ALL, Media Type: ALL, Ad Type: VIDEO only
About gemiusAdReal
gemiusAdReal is a market intelligence tool revealing all brands’ activities, both in the digital and cross-media world. The study allows for in-depth insight of competitors media activity across all three platforms: TV, PC and mobile including not only top application: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok but also web browsers: Chrome, Firefox and others. The comprehensive knowledge about the advertising market provided by gemiusAdReal, helps all media-players such as brand owners, media agencies and publishers in better planning their marketing strategies and media-mix optimizing.
You can learn more about Adreal here.
Check out our case study for Polish market - TOP 10 advertisers in Poland in February.