Gemius and OOHlife Introduce Comprehensive Outdoor Advertising Data in Mediapanel Survey
The results presented in the Mediapanel survey are compiled from two sources of data: a representative sample of people equipped with Gemius measuring devices, which provide information about their location, and the geographic coordinates of outdoor advertising media, from companies affiliated with OOHlife. The survey includes data on AMS, Clear Channel Poland, Jet Line, Synergic and Warexpo media. The project is open and other companies can include their outdoor advertising carriers in the survey at any time.
The range of data presented includes traditional outdoor advertising media (OOH), as well as digital media (Digital OOH), both outdoor and indoor. Plans to develop the survey include the breakdown of results by specific media formats or the inclusion of information on the number of advertising contacts in the results. The out of home media viewing data is published daily, and users can access it both through an online interface and via an API.
This is good and needed news for the advertising market. After months of joint discussions and consultations within the industry, OOH and Digital OOH are joining Mediapanel. This is the first stage of the project, which in cross-media audience measurement shows the huge potential of our medium compared to others. The presence of outdoor advertising in the Mediapanel study means the possibility of checking and comparing media coverage and opens new paths for marketers to choose effective communication strategies," unanimously confirm Marek Kuzaka (AMS), Filip Holowczyc (Clear Channel Poland), Michal Ciundziewicki (Jet Line), Pawel Orlowski (Synergic) and Michal Marcinkiewicz (Warexpo).
Measuring outdoor advertising in the Mediapanel survey is another milestone in the development of the survey itself, but also of media research in Poland. - comments Jaroslaw Pawlak, Head of Mediapanel research development. - In other words, Mediapanel is becoming - after the Internet, TV and radio - the standard for measuring also outdoor advertising in cross-media terms. We are happy to celebrate its 20th anniversary in this way. By including outdoor measurement, the market will get a complete picture of media in Poland. What is extremely important, this is the first measurement of outdoor advertising of this kind. For the industry, this is a kind of exit from the Tower of Babel, where companies spoke with different, often incompatible results and indicators. From today, through Mediapanel, outdoor becomes comparable with other media. I would also like to thank the outdoor companies for appreciating our research technology and for working for several months to make Gemius' outdoor measurement a new market standard.
The Mediapanel survey is Poland's first cross-media study based on a single source. By including outdoor advertising in the measurement, Gemius provides the market with comprehensive, fully comparable data on media consumption in Poland.