TOP 20 most visited websites in Estonia from computers
In both January and February, the first five TOP 5 websites have stably maintained their positions. At the beginning of this year, the most visited portal from computers was Google, reaching 745 000 Real Users, followed by social network Facebook and video streaming site youtube.com with more than 500 000 users each. With 500 000 readers in January and 487 000 Real Users in the shortest month of the year – February – news portal delfi.ee is 4th most popular website from computers, while Top 5 is closed by postimees.ee, reaching 442 000 visitors in January and 407 000 – in February.
Meanwhile in January 6th place in the top was taken by swedbank.ee (335 000 Real Users), losing two positions in February and taking 8th position with 344 000 Real Users from computers. However, the information system authority page ria.ee from 7th place in January switched to 6th position among top sites, reaching 68 000 more visitors than in January – 378 000 Real Users, but tax and customs board site emta.ee was in the 7th place in February with 371 000 visitors, climbing up from 16th position in January. While the online encyclopedia wikipedia.org was 8th in January with 300 000 Real Users, in February site was in 9th position with 292 000 visitors from computers, however, portal ohtuleht.ee with 247 000 Real Users was in the 9th place in January and closes Top 10 with 240 000 readers in February, bringing instagram.com to the 11th position with 212 000 Real Users.
Without already mentioned seven more sites were among Top 20 most popular portals in both – January and February: finance and banking sites seb.ee and lhv.ee, telecommunication company sites telia.ee and elisa.ee, also site microsoft.com, e-commerce platform kaup24.ee and Estonian state portals eesti.ee. It should also be mentioned that the lottery site eestiloto.ee and electronics online shope euronics.ee was among the Top 20 sites visited from computers, while in February they were replaced in the top by unofficial Estonian legislation translation page riigiteataja.ee and job vacancy portal cvkeskus.ee.
As reported before, from January this year the gemiusAudience study in Estonia has switched to a modern, updated methodology - Constant panel, which not only provides for improving and adapting Real Users calculations to existing technologies but also changed the Reach calculation - the reach on each platform is being calculated against the total number of Internet users in all platforms. Changes in the methodology include a reduced probability of data calculation error, a solved problem of panelist rotation, as well as better consistency of results. In addition to the transition to the updated methodology, users are also offered a new, modern data analysis tool - e.gemius.com, which provides an opportunity to view data online from any device, making data analysis more convenient.
Top is based on data about internet audience that is aged between 15 and 74 years of age, is from the territory of Estonian state and visit sites from computers. gemiusAudience research is based on a complex and modern methodology that allows to see the number of real persons (Real Users) within a page, rather than looking at cookies or IP addresses that do not show the number of actual persons visiting the relevant page. To sign up for gemiusAudience research or to find out more information about it please write to kontakt@gemius.ee.