Gemius TOP websites in Estonia, November 2021
Media consumption

Gemius TOP websites in Estonia, November 2021

Internet technology and research company Gemius has published Top 10 of most visited websites in Estonia in November 2021. Unlike October, when all TOP leaders’ audiences increased, the November trend shows audience drops in total and mobile statistics. Despite the changes, all sites maintained their positions in TOP.

Total statistics for all devices

In previous month, contrary to October data, the leaders of Total statistics top showed audience drop. The top is revealed by portal with 740 000 Real Users from all devices and decrease by -5 000 visitors, followed by portal with 483 000 users and decrease by -11 000 readers. With 372 000 Real Users from all devices site takes 3rd place with decrease by -6 000 visitors, but after significant audience increase in October with biggest decrease in numbers among top sites in previous month – by -45 000 Real Users – portal is 4th with 302 000 visitors from all devices together. With 115 000 Real Users and audience decrease by -7 000 visitors site closes Top 5.

Meanwhile, the other half of Top 10 sites shows some audience increases. The biggest increase in numbers is noted for portal with +6 000 Real Users and 31 000 visitors in November. However, portal’s audience also increased by +2 000 users (96 000 Real Users from all devices), but with the same increase reached 51 000 visitors in previous month. Without already mentioned small audience decreases were shown for site with -1 000 Real Users (1 000 visitors from all devices) and with -500 users and 87 000 visitors from all devices.

Real Users and computers

Computer statistics top in November as usually is revealed by with 543 000 Real Users and biggest decrease in numbers among top sites – by -12 000 visitors. Site with 265 000 readers and decrease by -6 000 visitors compared to October data is 2nd, followed by with 137 000 visitors and biggest increase among top sites – by +3 000 visitors in November. While portal with 94 000 Real Users and decrease by -9 000 visitors takes 4th position, Top 5 is closed by and audience increase by +2 000, reaching 77 000 Real Users from computers in previous month.

Without already mentioned, also portal’s audience decreased by -2 000 (62 000 Real Users from computers), portal showed decrease by -1 000 visitors (12 000 Real Users from computers), but audience decreased by -250 visitors reaching 59 000 Real Users. However, site retained its previous audience and reached 31 000 Real Users in November.

Real Users from mobile devices

As in total statistics the biggest decreases in numbers in previous month were shown for Top leaders, contrary to the trends of October data. The biggest decrease in numbers – by -55 000 Real Users – was noted for news portal with 256 000 visitors from mobile devices remaining 4th in top. Taking 2nd place portal showed decrease by -12 000 visitors (449 000 Real Users), followed by with 332 000 Real Users and decrease by -3 000 users compared to October data. However, news portal with small increase by +1 000 remains 1st in mobile statistics with 733 000 visitors, but with 73 000 and decrease by -2 000 Real Users closes Top 5.

Meanwhile other Top sites showed audience increases in November. Biggest increase was noted for portal with +8 000 visitors and 21 000 Real Users from mobile devices, site reached 44 000 visitors which is +3 000 Real Users compared to October, while audience increased by +1 000 visitors, reaching 36 000 users from mobile devices, but audience grew by +500 users (30 000 visitors in previous month).

An overview of full data is available on

Top 10 is based on data about internet audience that is aged between 15 and 74 years of age, is from the territory of Estonian state and visit sites from computers, mobile phones, and tablets. The sites included in this top are those that participated in the gemiusAudience research in November. gemiusAudience research is based on a complex and modern methodology that allows to see the number of real persons (Real Users) within a page, rather than looking at cookies or IP addresses that do not show the number of actual persons visiting the relevant page. To sign up for gemiusAudience research or to find out more information about it please write to