E-commerce research in Lithuania and Latvia: what motivates to shop Online and what has changed during quarantine?
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E-commerce research in Lithuania and Latvia: what motivates to shop Online and what has changed during quarantine?

The international Internet research and technology company Gemius has conducted the E-commerce study 2020 on Internet users online shopping habits in Latvia and Lithuania. It revealed that better prices than in traditional stores in both neighboring countries is the most important motivation for online shopping. However, while buyers in Latvia indicate the possibility to compare the prices of products and services as one of the main factors, Lithuanian respondents are motivated by home delivery.

This year the research was conducted in two rounds in Latvia and Lithuania. To find out how the online shopping habits of Internet users has changed during the emergency situation in the Baltic states, the second wave of the survey was conducted in April. Asked what motivates to shop online both Latvian and Lithuanian Internet users noted that better prices than in traditional stores is the most important factor. This was indicated as a motivator by 71 percent of respondents in Latvia and 67 percent of respondents in the research in Lithuania. Among the most important factors that encourage online shopping, respondents in Latvia more often mentioned that online stores are always open (64 percent) and that there is a possibility to compare products or services more easily (61 percent). Meanwhile, Lithuanian Internet users have indicated that important motivators are discounts and special offers (55 percent), as well as home delivery (54 percent).

The most popular foreign e-commerce sites of both countries are almost the same. The first position is taken by aliexpress.com. Followed by ebay.com in Latvia, which Lithuanian respondents have named as the third favorite, but amazon.com, which is the second most popular site in Lithuania, closes the Latvian TOP 3. In the fourth and fifth positions in both countries equaly popular are sites wish.com and asos.com. It should be noted that in both countries, the main problems faced by respondents who shop online are the same: delivery took too long, the product didn’t meet the expectations and the delivery costs were too high.

A repeated study in April this year looked at the effects of the Covid-19 virus on shopping habits in both neighboring countries. When asked whether they had made purchases online during the emergency, 46 percent of respondents in Latvia and 52 percent of Lithuanian survey participants answered in the affirmative. Meanwhile, a larger number of surveyed Latvian Internet users (37 percent) indicated that they have not done it, but planned to make purchases in the future, while only 26 percent of respondents in Lithuania considered such option. 17 percent of the study participants in Latvia and 22 percent of the respondents in the neighboring country did not plan to shop online neither during the restrictions nor in the future.

Even before the emergency situation, the most popular payment methods for online purchases in Latvia were by bank transactions (70 percent), payment by invoice (66 percent) and cash on delivery time (45 percent), but it should be noted that cash use has decreased three times and only 14 percent of the respondents have indicated it as the payment method used during emergency restrictions. Meanwhile, the surveyed Internet users in Lithuania, both before and during the emergency, prefer to pay for their purchases by bank transfer, using transfer systems (Paypal, Webmoney, etc.) or by receiving the product at the parcel terminal. To shop online, respondents most often used computers (91 percent of Latvian survey participants and 89 percent of respondents in Lithuania). Slightly more often than in Latvia (54 percent), respondents surveyed in Lithuania choose to make purchases with a mobile phone (61 percent), as well as 4 percent of survey participants in Lithuania use Smart TV to make purchases online, while in Latvia only one percent use this option.

The study was made using a specialized Internet survey - gemiusAdHoc. The research is based on data obtained with the help of pop-up Internet questionnaires, which were displayed to randomly selected Internet users on the most popular Internet portals in Latvia and Lithuania. The survey was conducted in two waves - in February by interviewing 2813 respondents in Latvia and in April by interviewing 1769 respondents in the age group from 18 to 74 years during the emergency situation. Meanwhile in Lithuania 3805 respondents were surveyed in February and 2192 respondents aged 15-74 participated in the study in April.

To find out more about the research and to get acquainted with all the data about Latvia or Estonia by writing to contact@gemius.lv and Lithuania by writing to contact.lt@gemius.com.

gemiusAdHoc is research for individual business needs with the opportunity to find out public opinion on any topic, issue or industry.

Gemius is an international research and technology company providing data, as well as advanced tools for digital and traditional marketing activities such as web analytics, online campaigns’ management and ad serving. The company offers comprehensive solutions for marketers, advertising agencies, publishers and e-commerce. Gemius is present on the market since 1999. The company is a member of IAB Europe and I-COM Global. The research conducted by the company are carried out in accordance with the principles of the international ICC/ESOMAR code.