E-commerce research in Estonia: 83 percent of surveyed internet users have shopped online in the last six month
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E-commerce research in Estonia: 83 percent of surveyed internet users have shopped online in the last six month

The international internet research and technology company Gemius has conducted the E-commerce study 2020 on internet users online shopping habits in Estonia. The study found that in the last six months 83 percent of respondents have shopped online. The most common obsticles encountered when shopping are related to delivery, but purchases are preferably paid by invoice.[nbsp]

The research of Estonian shopping habits found that in the last six months 83 percent of surveyed Estonian Internet users have shopped online. Meanwhile, 8 percent were planning to do it, but 9 percent haven’t shopped and didn’t plan to. Overall the respondents were asked to answer 32 questions – 25 key survey questions about shopping online and 7 socio-demographic questions.

When asked what obstacles they encountered when shopping online, the surveyed internet users most often indicated two delivery-related problems – that delivery took too long or it was too expensive. However, the fact that the received product didn’t match the expectations was among the three most popular answers.

Most often Estonian internet users paid for their purchases online with an invoice (74 percent), filling card information or using internet bank (60 percent), or using an online money transfer system (33 percent). Least likely purchases were paid by SMS (2 percent of respondents), but 4 percent of surveyed would prefer to use this payment method.

Asked what motivates them to shop online Estonian internet users noted that online stores always open is the most important factor. Among the main factors that encourage online shopping, respondents often mentioned that it is a chance to purchase goods that are not available in their place of living and that better prices than in traditional stores motivate them.

As their favorite foreign e-commerce pages, respondents most often named amazon.com (41 percent), aliexpress.com (37 percent), and ebay.com (37 percent). The most frequently purchased goods in foreign online stores are clothing and footwear, which were bought by 39 percent of respondents, as well as airline tickets and reservation services purchased by accordingly 25 and 29 percent of respondents.

The study was made using a specialized internet survey - gemiusAdHoc. It is based on data obtained with the help of pop-up internet questionnaires, which were displayed to randomly selected internet users on the most popular internet portals in Estonia. The survey was conducted from May 15 to June 17, 2020, by questioning 1174 respondents in Estonia in the age group from 18 to 74 years.

To find out more about the research and to get acquainted with all the data about Estonia contact Gemius Eesti by writing to kotakt@gemius.ee.

Gemius is an international research and technology company providing data, as well as advanced tools for digital and traditional marketing activities such as web analytics, online campaigns’ management and ad serving. The company offers comprehensive solutions for marketers, advertising agencies, publishers and e-commerce. Gemius is present on the market since 1999. The company is a member of IAB Europe and I-COM Global. The research conducted by the company are carried out in accordance with the principles of the international ICC/ESOMAR code.