New mobile data in Ukraine: who are Facebook users on smartphones?
Media consumption

New mobile data in Ukraine: who are Facebook users on smartphones?

Gemius is ready to publish new data concerning mobile users in Ukraine. Full results of the study, containing both behavioral and socio-demographic indicators of the smartphone Internet users, will be presented in gemiusAudience report. The official date of the report’s publication is set for February, 2018.

Since 2015 the gemiusAudience study includes data on mobile users for scripted websites (local publishers). Starting from February 2018 mobile data for websites which do not accept third-party meter counters (i.e YouTube, Facebook) will be added. Thus, the gemiusAudience study will cover the Internet audience on PCs and mobile phones.

Smartphone users prefer Facebook

New research data allows to estimate the reach of all websites visited by smartphone users. Initial results (for January 2018) show already that, and are the most popular websites accessed on smartphones in Ukraine. These sites are the undisputed leaders of the ranking among the PC-audience. Facebook is more popular via mobile as it comes second in the smartphone ranking and third in the PC platform results.

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Young audience - on mobile

The share of young audience among the Internet users on smartphones is much higher than on PC. At the same time, the users over 50 years old prefer to access the Internet on their personal computers and laptops. The share of men for the top three most popular websites is also slightly higher on smartphones than on PC.

The official results on the most popular sites accessed on smartphones will be published starting from February 2018.

The data will be collected from mobile Internet browsers on smartphones with the Android system.