Internet and media in Ukraine - January 2023 Report
Media consumption

Internet and media in Ukraine - January 2023 Report

Due to the situation in Ukraine, we publish the information about Internet and media in Ukraine in January 2023. All data comes from the single-source Gemius study - gemiusAudience.

Gemius report about Internet and news websites in Ukraine 150 days after the Russian aggression against Ukraine

Gemius report about Internet and media in Ukraine in December 2022

In analysed period - January 1– 31, 2023, 28 362 960 Real Users searched for information in the Ukrainian media and websites. The ATS* was equal 17h 54m 14s - more than 1 hour longer than in December 2022. Ukrainians most often used smartphones (more than 25,3 million RU and ATS = 11h 34 min) and PC (19,7 million RU, ATS = 10h 49 min). Tablets were used by more than 2,4 million RU (ATS = 15 min).

*ATS - Average Time Spent; average duration of exposure to the media of the person in its audience

Source: gemiusAudience, Overview, January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Target Group: ALL

Source: gemiusAudience, Reach building, Real Users (cumulative), January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Target Group: ALL

The Internet in Ukraine in January 2023

Among the 15 most visited websites and channels in Ukraine, as usually was in the first place (ATS = 3h 2m, RU = 18,4 mln). The 15 websites most frequently viewed by Ukrainians the same as in previously analysed month include social media websites (,, as well as news,TV and weather services and internet websites. The website of the largest commercial bank in Ukraine - - was on the 6th place of the most frequently used websites (ATS = 19 min, RU = 5,2 mln). Ukrainian Internauts eagerly visited Internet Encyclopedia - Wikipedia (8th place, RU = 4,5 mln, ATS = 5 min). In January 2023 Ukrainian internet users visited online shopping platforms such as (5th place), (9th place) and (7th place). Film platform such as were also among 15 most popular websites in December (10th place, RU = 3,8 mln).

Media - cathegories

In the case of data analysed for a specific type of media, as always the most popular were internet news media (RU = 23,6 mln; ATS = 48 min) and portals (RU = 13,7 mln; ATS = 38 min) were the most searched, dominating over TV and Radio websites. The same as in the whole 2022, the channels that enable quick finding of specific information have been used most often by Ukrainian Internet and media users.

Source: gemiusAudience, Overview - Media, January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Target Group: ALL

Source: gemiusAudience, Overview, January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Media Channel: News, Portals, TV, Radio, Target Group: ALL

Source: gemiusAudience, Trend, January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Media Channel: News, Portals, TV, Radio, Target Group: ALL

Cathegory: News

Source: gemiusAudience, Categories: News, Overview, January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Media Categories: News, Target Group: ALL

Source: gemiusAudience, Categories: News, Real Users - Gender, January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Media Categories: News, Target Group: ALL

Source: gemiusAudience, Categories: News - Products, January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Media Categories: News, Target Group: ALL

Cathegory: Portals

Source: gemiusAudience, Categories: Portals, Overview, January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Media Categories: News, Target Group: ALL

Source: gemiusAudience, Categories: Portals, Real Users - Gender, January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Media Categories: News, Target Group: ALL

Source: gemiusAudience, Categories: Portals - Products, January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Media Categories: News, Target Group: ALL

Cathegory: TV (websites)

Source: gemiusAudience, Categories: TV Websites, Overview, January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Media Categories: News, Target Group: ALL

Source: gemiusAudience, Categories: Portals, Real Users - Gender, January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Media Categories: News, Target Group: ALL

Source: gemiusAudience, Categories: TV Websites - Products, January 1– 31, 2023, Media Type: ALL, Media Categories: News, Target Group: ALL

About gemiusAudience

gemiusAudience sets a new standard in the presentation of Internet media usage data, competition monitoring, media and campaign planning. Our solution provides you with a dependable source of information and reliable benchmarking of your activity amid your competitors.

gemiusAudience measurement offers a solution for one of the biggest challenges in Internet Audience Measurement - it estimates the number of real people (Real Users) consuming online content, not the number of cookies. This is important, as cookies do not reflect the actual number of internet users because of e.g. using different browsers, device sharing as well as the growing problem of cookie deletion or lack of cookies acceptance on certain operating systems (iOS).

With gemiusAudience every site, stream and app is measured upon the same methodology, so you can create reliable benchmarks. With which competitor you have biggest audience duplication? Where to plan your campaigns? How you and your competitors’ marketing actions affect the audience profile? These are only a few questions that you can answer using gemiusAudience!

You can read more about the gemiusAudience here.