Media consumption

Gemius: Estonia’s internet usage trends for 2024

The international internet research and technology company Gemius has gathered data on internet usage trends in Estonia for the past year. The results indicate that the number of users choosing mobile devices for internet browsing continues to increase. Meanwhile, interest in the internet has slightly reduced among younger generations of users.

According to data from the gemiusAudience study, in 2024 the average number of internet users in Estonia across all platforms combined (i.e., from computers, mobiles phones, and tablets) was 917 000 Real Users in the age group of 15 to 74 years. On average, 749 000 users used computers for browsing the internet, while 760 000 users chose mobile devices for this purpose – in 2023, from computers the internet was browsed by 787 000 users, but from mobile devices – by 742 000 users. Lastly, approximately 51 percent of all internet users were women, while 49 percent – men.

When looking at changes in the number of internet users from different platforms, it can be observed that the popularity of mobile devices continues to increase, and last year mobile devices became the number one choice for the majority of users, surpassing internet consumption from computers. Even though, last year ended with 752 000 users which is only by 2000 more than the year before, truly outstanding heights were reached a couple of months earlier, in October, when the number of mobile device users hit 788 000 user mark. At the same time, a noticable decline in internet browsing from computers seems to have happened – while in December 2023, 788 000 unique users browsed the internet from computers, by the end of the past year this number had already decreased to 719 000 users, meaning that mobile devices ranking as the number one choice is probaby related to the sudden drop of popularity in computers

Data on the age group distribution shows that the most mature age group, 55 to 74, in December 2024 consisted of 275 000 users, which is 3000 more than the previous year. Most of these users, 165 000, were aged 55 to 64, while the remaining 110 000 users were between 65 and 74. The second largest group, aged 35 to 44, experienced a decline of 2000 users over the past year, totaling 179 000 users by early winter. The 45-54 age group has overtaken the younger 25-34 age group, reaching 170 000 unique users in 2024 – an increase of 2000 compared to the previous year. Meanwhile, the age group 25-34 saw a decline of 4000 users, ending the year with a total of 165 000 users. Lastly, a decline in the number of users can also be observed in the youngest age group, 15-24, which ended 2024 with 128 000 users, while the year before it was 130 000 users.

The overview is based on data about internet audience that is aged between 15 and 74 years of age, is from the territory of Estonian state, and have visited sites using computers, mobile phones and tablets. gemiusAudience research is based on a complex and modern methodology that allows to see the number of real persons (Real Users) within a page, rather than looking at cookies or IP addresses that do not show the number of actual persons visiting the relevant page. In case you are interested in any other data or have any questions, please contact us by writing to