Gemius website TOP, Estonia, June 2021
Total statistics for all devices
Total statistics top in June is revealed by delfi.ee with 683 000 Real Users from all devices, i.e., from computers, mobile phones, and tablets together, which is + 3 000 compared to May data and is the only audience increase between top sites. Portal ohtuleht.ee is following in the second place with 415 000 Real Users and decrease by -20 000 readers. Switching places, 3rd position is taken by tv3.ee with 269 000 users from all devices together and significant decrease by -51 000 users. Meanwhile portal geenius.ee takes 4th position with 253 000 users and decrease by -75 000 compared to May data, which is the biggest decrease in numbers in previous month. Site vk.com closes Top 5 with 103 000 Real Users (-18 000 users).
As said before and typical for summer, decreases in the audience were noted for almost all top sites. In addition to already mentioned site ok.ru with an audience of 44 000 users showed decrease by -14 000, site mail.ru with 93 000 users - decrease by -13 000 users, but liigume.ee with audience of 21 000 – decrease by -7 000 comparing to May data. Small audience decrease was also mentioned for portal iluguru.ee – by -2 000 – reaching 6 000 Real Users from all devices together in June.
It should be mentioned that site mail.ee joins Total statistics top sites in 7th position with 83 000 users form all devices together.
Real Users and computers
Computer top in June is revealed by delfi.ee with 469 000 Real Users and decrease by -24 000 readers compared to May data. Meanwhile portal ohtuleht.ee takes second place with 211 000 Real Users from computers with decrease by -33 000 users which is biggest decrease in numbers between top sites. Showing similar decreases in numbers tv3.ee takes 3rd place with 88 000 users and decrease by -29 000 visitors, but geenius.ee with the same decrease reached 71 000 users this June and is 4th. Top 5 is closed by mail.ru with 70 000 Real Users and decrease by -7 000 visitors.
As in total statistics, audience decreases were also noted for site vk.com – by -11 000 visitors compared to May – with 54 000 users from computers in previous month, while portal’s liigume.ee audience decreased by -8 000 users reaching 5 000 Real Users. However small audience decrease was noted also for ok.ru with an audience of 27 000 visitors and decrease by -4 000.
As in total statistics top, it should be noted that site mail.ee joins top sites with 54 000 users from computers taking 7th position in Computer top.
Real Users from mobile devices
In June, the most popular site from mobile devices as previously was delfi.ee with 673 000 Real Users from mobile phones and tablets together and the only increase by +23 000 users, followed by ohtuleht.ee with 392 000 Real Users showing audience decrease by -1 000 users. Switching places as in total statistics tv3.ee is third with 229 000 users and decrease by -45 000 while the biggest decrease – by -66 000 users compared to May data – was noted for portal geenius.ee, which is 4th with audience of 220 000 users. Site vk.com closes Top 5 with 66 000 users and decrease by -11 000 compared to May data.
Decreases were also noted for other top sites. Portal’s ok.ru audience in June decreased by -9 000 users, reaching 27 000 of mobile audience. Meanwhile site’s iluguru.ee audience decreased by -3 000 (3 000 users in June), but mail.ru reached by -1 000 users less than in May (40 000 users). Small decrease was noted also for liigume.ee with audience decrease by -400 users reaching 16 000 visitors from mobile devices.
Like in total and computer statistics, mail.ee joined top sites in June with 43 000 Real Users from mobile devices, taking 6th place in the Mobile top.
An overview of full data is available on https://rating.gemius.com/
Top 10 is based on data about internet audience that is aged between 15 and 74 years of age, is from the territory of Estonian state and visit sites from computers, mobile phones, and tablets. The sites included in this top are those that participated in the gemiusAudience research in June. gemiusAudience research is based on a complex and modern methodology that allows to see the number of real persons (Real Users) within a page, rather than looking at cookies or IP addresses that do not show the number of actual persons visiting the relevant page. To sign up for gemiusAudience research or to find out more information about it please write to kontakt@gemius.ee.